Carmen in the pub

Our sold-out production of 'Carmen in the Pub' toured around various different Oxford pubs for a shortened run of only one week. This production was a reaction against the normal expectations that are attached to 'opera' - we stripped it down completely (both orchestra and cast), shortened it by around half and made it a sexy, raucous and utterly immersive experience.

Without breaking the fourth wall, the story surrounds you, grips you, squeezes, and pulls you in. Yet the unwritten rulebook of the opera stage details and reinforces a divisive barrier between the singers and the silent. Carmen, the rebellious gypsy, certainly does not abide by rules. Why should her opera?



Direction: Amy Perkis, Helena Jackson

Musical Direction: Adriana Stoiber

Musical Adaptation: Remy Oudemans

Production: Indyana Schneider



Don Jose: James Black

Carmen: Indyana Schneider

Michaela: Olivia Bracken

Escamillo: Rory Green

Frasquita: Kathy Peacock

Zuniga/Danciere: Amschel de Rothschild